Hui Xing Lau
Feb 16, 20201 min read
Chong Pang Trip to The Live Turtle & Tortoise Museum and Kampung Kampus
My ward organised a trip to Ground-Up Initiative in Khatib. It offered guided tours of Kampong Kampus (a farm) and The Live Turtle &...

Hui Xing Lau
Jan 21, 20201 min read
Jurong Bird Park
Like a typical kiasu Singaporean, I jumped at the chance of visiting the Jurong Bird Park for free during the September holidays. Hats...

Hui Xing Lau
Jan 2, 20202 min read
Loola Earth Excursion Trip (Part II)
In August, I joined an Earth Excursion trip to Loola Resort in Bintan, Indonesia. On the second day of the weekend trip, we woke up at...

Hui Xing Lau
Dec 28, 20193 min read
Loola Earth Excursion Trip (Part I)
I went on the Earth Excursion trip to Loola back in end-August. To satisfy my lust for travelling and to remain eco-friendly at the same...

Hui Xing Lau
May 26, 20191 min read
A visit by Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus malayanus)
Despite living in an urban environment, my room does receive visitors from nature. Usually, they are little critters or mostly household...

Hui Xing Lau
Apr 28, 20191 min read
Visit to Night Safari
The Night Safari has not appealed to me as much as other tourist attractions even though I have not visited it before. As a wildlife...

Hui Xing Lau
Mar 11, 20192 min read
NParks Garden Watch Training
Only birding could have dragged me out of bed on a Saturday morning to head to a four-hour workshop. I am participating in this year's...

Hui Xing Lau
Oct 21, 20182 min read
Wildlife Photography with Jayaprakash Bojan by Cathay Photo and Olympus Singapore
Many of us would have seen Jayaprakash Bojan's award-winning photograph of a male orangutan forced to cross a river due to habitat...

Hui Xing Lau
Oct 17, 20182 min read
Birdwatching at Kranji Marshes
I finally visited the Kranji Marshes, which is Singapore's largest freshwater swamp. Most of the nature reserve is gazetted as a core...

Dec 25, 20174 min read
My Favourite Photos | Rounding up 2017 and my third year in photography
In a few more days, I will celebrate my third year in this (very expensive) hobby - photography. I could never have imagined that a hobby...