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Visit to Night Safari

Hui Xing Lau

The Night Safari has not appealed to me as much as other tourist attractions even though I have not visited it before. As a wildlife photography enthusiast and a victim of bed magnet, I generally prefer going out in the daytime.

I finally visited the Night Safari last month. I fretted over what gear to bring along, and chose my two F2.8 lenses and my sigma 150-600mm. The sigma was a bad choice since the place was mostly pitch-black and you cannot spot faraway animals in the dark too. A monopod would have been a wiser option.

I spent a fair bit of time at each exhibit to ensure I got sharp images, and ended up missing the 'Creature of the Night' shows several times. As I was determined to watch it, I made sure to queue for the last show early and was actually the first in line.

Here are some (blurry) images! Although they are nocturnal creatures, most of the animals were quite inactive and seemed as sleepy as I was. I did not go on the tram ride as well because it would be near impossible to shoot while riding a vehicle.

Bioluminescence under UV light

The hyena was emitting loud calls.

So cute! I was surprised I managed to spot it because it was snoozing in a dark corner.

The famous hen.

It was feeding time for the porcupines.

Otters demonstrating recycling.



I am Hui Xing, a photography and videography enthusiast from sunny Singapore with a strong passion for travel. Outside of my free time, I work as a research officer in environmental epidemiology.


I enjoy nature, wildlife and long exposure photography, although I venture into other realms from time to time.


I shoot events too! Click here for my portfolio.


Email: croxxingphotography[AT]

All images on this site were taken by me unless stated otherwise and permission is required for any use/duplication.
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