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The Author
The Author
Hui Xing Lau

A visit by Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus malayanus)

Despite living in an urban environment, my room does receive visitors from nature. Usually, they are little critters or mostly household pests like ants and cockroaches. I was pleasantly surprised to find a butterfly in my room a few weeks ago.

It was a lime butterfly (Papilio demoleus malayanus). It was noticeably stressed as it fluttered around my room looking for an exit, thus my mum helped to release it after I got a few quick snaps. Thanks for visiting me!



I am Hui Xing, a photography and videography enthusiast from sunny Singapore with a strong passion for travel. Outside of my free time, I work as a research officer in environmental epidemiology.


I enjoy nature, wildlife and long exposure photography, although I venture into other realms from time to time.


I shoot events too! Click here for my portfolio.


Email: croxxingphotography[AT]

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