Hui Xing Lau
May 26, 20191 min read
A visit by Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus malayanus)
Despite living in an urban environment, my room does receive visitors from nature. Usually, they are little critters or mostly household...

Aug 26, 20171 min read
Glasswinged Butterfly (Greta oto)
Glasswinged Butterfly/Glasswing (Greta oto) Family: Nymphalidae The glasswinged butterfly, as its name implies, is famous for its...

Hui Xing Lau
Jan 30, 20171 min read
Common Leopard (Phalanta phalanta phalanta)
Common Leopard/Spotted Rustic (Phalanta phalanta phalanta) Family: Nymphalidae This common species can be found in Subsaharan Africa and...

Hui Xing Lau
Jan 29, 20171 min read
Yellow Palm Dart (Cephrenes trichopepla)
Yellow Palm Dart (Cephrenes trichopepla) Family: Hesperiidae I spotted this butterfly resting on a palm frond in NTU's Yunnan Garden. As...