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Yellow Palm Dart (Cephrenes trichopepla)

Hui Xing Lau

Yellow Palm Dart (Cephrenes trichopepla)

Family: Hesperiidae

I spotted this butterfly resting on a palm frond in NTU's Yunnan Garden. As you can tell from the name, its host plants are palm trees and it is regarded as a pest. The young instars use silk to join palm fronds to form a shelter.

The Yellow Palm Dart is moderately common in Singapore and is not native. It originated from Indo-Australia and has only been recently found in Sri Lanka and Singapore. A possible method of immigration is via the horticulture trade.




I am Hui Xing, a photography and videography enthusiast from sunny Singapore with a strong passion for travel. Outside of my free time, I work as a research officer in environmental epidemiology.


I enjoy nature, wildlife and long exposure photography, although I venture into other realms from time to time.


I shoot events too! Click here for my portfolio.


Email: croxxingphotography[AT]

All images on this site were taken by me unless stated otherwise and permission is required for any use/duplication.
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