What is conservation photography? | Review of Conservation Photography Guidebook by Boyd Norton
What does it mean to be a conservation photographer? To answer this question, I picked up the book "Conservation Photography Guidebook - How to Save the World One Photo at a Time" by Boyd Norton.

The bulk of the book focused on the basics of photography and capturing of compelling images. The last few chapters drew attention to the work after photographing which distinguishes nature photography from conservation photography, The latter requires you to present a story and argue for a cause. The images are used to convince the public to believe in protection of a threatened place/species and go beyond recording the "nice aspects" of the subject. You have to get the images to your target audience through presentations, exhibitions, publications, and of course, social media. With these goals in mind, the way you take your photographs may differ too. For instance, harsh lighting may be used to emphasise the direness of a situation. Conservation photography hence demands the photographer to focus on the issue at hand from photographing to editing and to attracting audience.
The book highlights prominent conservation photographers in addition to Boyd Norton himself: Amy Gulick, Alexandra Garcia, Alison M. Jones, Bob Rozinski and Wendy Shattil. It also lists conservation organisations one can join:
Baikal Watch
Conservation International
Defenders of Wildlife
Earth First
Earth Island Institute
Endangered Species Coalition
Environmental Defense Fund
Hells Canyon Preservation Council
Izaak Walton League
League of Conservation Voters
National Audubon Society
National Geographic Society
National Wildlife Federation
Natural Resources Defense Council
Nature Conservancy
Pacific Environment
Rainforest Action Network
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Serengeti Watch
Sierra Club
Union of Concerned Scientists
World Wildlife Fund
WILD Foundation
Wilderness Society
In addition, Norton encourages one to set up his/her own organisation with a name that reflects its aim, which may aid in pulling attention. This book was an interesting read revealing the work that goes on behind the scenes of conservation from the view of a photographer.